invention patents

Invention Patents Service

Welcome to IPWisely, your go-to destination for specialized legal services in intellectual property. At IPWisely, we recognize the immense value of your innovative ideas and creations. We’re dedicated to safeguarding your innovations through our expertise in invention patents. Our team of seasoned attorneys specializes in intellectual property law and is committed to ensuring your inventions receive the necessary legal protection.


Understanding Invention Patents

Invention patents are government-granted rights that provide inventors with exclusive control over the use and exploitation of their inventions for a specified period. These rights empower inventors to prevent others from using, manufacturing, selling, or importing their invention without permission. Essentially, an invention patent establishes a contract between the inventor and the state, where the inventor discloses details of their invention in exchange for protection.


Our Invention Patent Service

At IPWisely, we offer a comprehensive invention patent service tailored to guide our clients through the entire process of protecting their inventions. Our highly skilled legal team manages every stage, from the initial assessment of your invention’s patentability to the filing of the patent application and its defense in case of disputes.


Benefits of Protecting Your Invention with a Patent

Legal Exclusivity: Obtaining an invention patent grants you exclusive rights over your invention, preventing others from utilizing or reproducing it without your consent.


Commercial Value: Patents can serve as valuable assets for your business. They can be licensed or sold, generating revenue and enhancing the overall value of your company.


Incentive for Innovation: Intellectual property protection incentivizes innovation by ensuring inventors are rewarded for their creative efforts.


Global Rights: Invention patents can be extended internationally, allowing you to protect your invention across multiple countries.


Why Choose Our Invention Patent Service?

Specialized Expertise and Knowledge

Our legal team boasts extensive experience in the realm of intellectual property. We understand the complexities of the patent acquisition process and are equipped to effectively guide our clients through each step.


Tailored Guidance

Each invention is unique and demands a personalized approach. We are committed to thoroughly understanding your invention and providing specific, tailored advice to meet your needs.


Continuous Support and Maintenance

We don’t stop at filing the patent application. Our service includes ongoing monitoring of the process and maintaining the patent once granted.


Frequently Asked Questions about Invention Patents

  1. What is the process for obtaining an invention patent?

The process typically begins with assessing the patentability of your invention, followed by drafting and filing the patent application, an examination by the patent office, and ultimately, the grant (if it meets the requirements).


  1. How long does patent protection for an invention last?

In most cases, patent protection for an invention lasts approximately 20 years from the filing date of the application.


  1. What qualifies as patentable?

An invention must be new, have an inventive step, and be capable of industrial application to be considered patentable.


  1. What happens if someone infringes my patent?

If someone infringes your patent, you can take legal action, such as filing a patent infringement lawsuit, to seek damages and prevent further infringement.


At IPWisely, we are dedicated to safeguarding your innovations and providing the necessary legal guidance in the intricate world of invention patents. Contact us to begin protecting your creativity and driving your success in the market.